Mercy and Compassion: For Ourselves First
I received a thought-provoking article recently on Mercy. I’ve not thought about mercy in a long while. It is an archaic word in our culture, yet so many of my acquaintances and clients struggle so mightily to do ‘what’s right’ in the world. Here’s the line that pulled me up short and got my attention:
“What we really need is to become mercy ourselves.” What does that even mean????
Please click on the article to read more. It was brought to my attention by my dear friend and colleague, Debora McDermed-Peila, and Interfaith Minister, Spiritual Coach and former Business Coach to Fortune 100 companies. The article itself is part of a course on Spirituality being offered by Sister Joan Chittister, a radical, compassionate and edgy Benedictine Nun. Then let’s talk! This understanding may very well be how to finally have our focus be correctly placed so that we can relax and fulfill what is ours to fulfill.