You’re Not a Problem, You’re Not a Mistake

You’re Not a Problem, You’re Not a Mistake

What does that even mean? 

My wish for you this Holiday is that you get a glimpse that you are not a problem, not a mistake, and in fact, you are perfectly human. 

I heard the song (link below) that includes these words and had to pull my car over to the side of the road I was so moved by it.  Just imagine what life would be like if you always knew that you are perfectly loved.  For being perfectly human.

What does that even mean? 

It means that we are not designed to be perfect humans. We are designed to be perfectly human.  The difference is in our understanding of what being human means, and what it does not.  It does not mean never making mistakes.  It does not mean always knowing everything.  It does not even mean being successful.  

You’re Not a Problem, You’re Not a Mistake image

It means learning from our mistakes, rather than avoiding them. 

It means loving yourself as much as you love others.  It means that you know your SOUL to be perfect, but not your humanity.  And it means you trust something larger than just yourself is infusing all of life with life force energy!

This type of trust/faith allows us to relax and realize all the world’s circumstances are not ours to solve.  In the gentle moment of now, there may be something to help or serve, yet nothing, I mean nothing, is all on you.  Life just does not work that way. 

So, in the shorter days and longer nights, enjoy the holiday lights reminding us that soon our days will be full of light and warmth. 

Gather with friends and family, hug your children and dogs, and remember, that you are perfectly loved. 

Please enjoy this as my gift to you.