I get overwhelmed, too!
I often come across as having it all together. My clients and associates often think I have this amazing, care-free life. Closer inspection would have you see otherwise!
Wednesday I was preparing for an early morning meeting (7 AM), and noticed my sweet 10 pound Norfolk Terrier was not feeling well. I was already reeling from news that my 9 year old dog has an inoperable mass, and now this! Canceled my attendance at the meeting, spent 2 hours at the vet (and $700), came home, doctor’s appointment myself, drove home, 2 hour client, lunch at 3:00 PM…overwhelmed and near tears from worry about my dog (s) and not enough to eat! The difference is I knew that I would re-balance as soon as I cleared some room in my schedule to stop and rest.
And that’s exactly what happened! My understanding clients allowed me to reschedule the rest of the day, and I awoke the next morning refreshed and ready to go. And my tiny dog was better as well! What might have been days or weeks of worry about ‘letting people down’ or over-working to catch up became only 24 hours of frustration and upset, with the background certainty that my innate ability to heal was still operating if I would leave myself alone.
This is what an inside out life feels like, and looks like. No miracles, just a perspective that gives different, healthier choices.