Investigating the Sacred

“We want life to be exciting, when as a matter of fact, life is only life. We want the spiritual to be mystical rather than real.”
-Joan Chittester, Listen with the Heart.

Where is the Sacred lost?
Where is it found?
What does The Art of Living, Inc., offer in this arena?

Where is the Sacred lost?

The cultural pull to hurry and rush, to digest ever more information, and to be three places at once gives us the false impression that what matters most is checking things off our To Do list. When we finally do experience a moment of quiet reflection, what we most often consider is our families, those we love most, and the sacred. The very rush that seems to be the pathway to the fulfillment of our lives deeply divides us from the things that matter most to us.

Where is the Sacred found?

Every human being has the possibility of a relationship with something that is larger than themselves. Some call this God. Other names are Life, Nature, Universal Intelligence, Wisdom, Innate Guidance, Innate Knowing..the names are less important than the relationship one has with that larger ‘thing’. When we are quiet, we begin, once again, to hear the stirrings and whispers of that larger ‘something’ as it guides us to choices that seem to be more life-affirming and healthy.

What does The Art of Living, Inc, offer in this arena?

All of our work is designed to remove external ‘noise’ and return people to the practice of reflection. In our initial design sessions a client can request that we deal with this arena more directly, or you may find after working with us that the Sacred is suddenly available to you in ways you had forgotten were so powerful and immediate. Our retreats give people an insight into their spiritual gifts, what they were born to see, to provide, and to do in the world. As our clients begin to see the thread of those gifts throughout their life experience, they learn to trust that larger ‘something’, and relax.